- can be carried in each luggage compartment
- easy to move due the extendable carrying handle
(can be extended up to 810 mm) - easy to lift due the rotatable handle
- easy to fill due the filler neck ¾“ external thread
- easy to operate with submersible pumps
- easy to empty due the large opening DIN 96
- capacity 25 litre
- dimensions: 500 x 335 x 240 mm
Service - Water - Taxi
You have everything at hand. Easy and convenient, you can fill the freshwater tank. Also ideal for showering. Go to the water point and fill up the Water-Taxi with max. 25 litres of water. Now you can take the water from everywhere where a 12 or 24-volt power outlet is available.
- Shower with the trigger shower head. Functions: suppressible, steady flow of water or pulser.
- Fill your water tank by the replaceable brass connector, if you have a water coupling included brass connector.
- Fill your water tank with the changeable plastic nozzle that fits into even the smallest fuel tank filler neck.
The fix mounted service kit has everything on board.
The built-in submersible pump has a power of 18 l/min. Pressure 1 bar. Consumption 40-45 W.
The hose has a length of 2 m.
The coiled wire can be extended up to about 4 m.
The plug fits into every cigarette lighter socket.
dimensions H / W / D: 560 x 335 x 310 mm (including service box)
Wastewater - Taxi
„Waste water from mobile homes and caravans must be stored,“ so say our regulations. But where to put it?
The Wastewater-Taxi is your jack: Put the 25-liter tank under the mobile home. Screw on the cap and connect the hose to the wastewater system. If the tank is full, uncsrew the wastewater cap. Put the cap from cap store onto the open neck. Fasten it with the key. Extend the carrying handle and went to the nearest recycling point. That‘s it.
- can be carried in each luggage compartment
- dimensions H / W / D: 500 x 335 x 240 mm
- easy to move due the extendable carrying handle
(can be extended up to 810 mm) - easy to lift due the rotatable handle
- easy to fi ll due the fi ller neck ¾“ external thread
- easy to empty due the large opening DIN 96
- easy to close due the key for the screw cap DIN 96
- easy to connect to wastewater system due the hose connection piece